Footpockets Cetma Composites s-WiNG White


Questions and answers

Q: Salve ho acquistato la vostra scarpetta Black come calzata non mi trovo male faticoso è risultato indossarla con mare leggermente formato le white sono leggermente più morbide per agevolare la calzata ?

on Apr 03, 2023 17:38

A: Salve, la durezza delle scarpette non dipende dal colore.Saluti

on Apr 03, 2023 17:38

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Q: vorrei acquistare le s-wing . Ho già una scarpetta razol, mi chiedevo se sulla razol porto la misura 45/46 posso prendere la stessa misura anche sulle s-wing ...ho preso visione della tabella ma non è la stessa cosa di indossarle !

on Apr 03, 2023 17:38

A: Salve, le mares 45-46 corrispondono alle swing 47-48. Saluti

on Apr 03, 2023 17:39

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Q: Quanto pesano le scapette?

on Apr 03, 2023 17:39

A: non hanno peso in acqua in quanto realizzate con mescola che ha densità prossima a quella dell'acqua circa 1 g/cc

on Apr 03, 2023 17:39

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Q: Can I attach the Leaderfins Ice Fiberglass blades to this white footpocket? size 37-38.

on Apr 04, 2023 17:09

A: Hi, yes you can do. Best regard

on Apr 04, 2023 17:10

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Q: i have a really wide foot and was wondering if the rubber stretches a little sideways

on Apr 04, 2023 17:10

A: Hi, a little bit yes. Moreover you can enlarge them by applying heat with an heater. Best regards

on Apr 04, 2023 17:10

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Q: I tried 37-38 but it was bigger for my bare feet. 35-36 is small for me..Therefore I'd like to know do you have plan to make 36-37??

on Apr 04, 2023 17:10

A: Hi, you can ask for enlarged 35-36. You can do it writing a message after or during purchase, writing a message with the measures of your feet. Best regards

on Apr 04, 2023 17:10

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Q: Hello there any shop in Greece were I could try the foot pockets?

on Apr 04, 2023 17:11

A: Sorry we don't have shop in Greece but you can consider to choose a larger size compared to mares. For example if you have mares footpockets 43-44 , you have to choose s-wing 45-46 and so on...if yo have 42-44 pathos, you have to choose s-wing 43-44. If you have beuchat you have to conside same sizes of s-wing.

on Apr 04, 2023 17:11

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Q: Hello, i have food size 40-41 So what size i have to take? Is the size same like Salvimar? Greez

on Apr 04, 2023 17:11

A: Hi, you can check your size going in the swing section on our website, taking the measures on your feet (wearing the socks you normally use) and comparing with those reported on the table. Best regards

on Apr 04, 2023 17:11

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Q: I was trying 37-38 footpockets for my dynamic-tech blades and it seems too small ( bit painful at the up side of the foot, very tide) and then 39-40 which was loose and my feet was moving a lot in the pocket :(. What can I do with that ? Which footpockets should I take?

on Apr 04, 2023 17:11

A: Dear Natali absolutely no problem because our s-wing footpockets are thermoformable, so you can enlarge easily by heating with air heater. You can try lot of tutorial on youtube. We can do the work for you if you write a note during check out. So you should choose 37-38 and ask to be enlarged we'll do the work for free.

on Apr 04, 2023 17:11

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Q: Does these footpockets accept Omer Dual Carbon blades? I would mount the blades with screws. Thank you

on Apr 04, 2023 17:12

A: We don't have experience in this I'm sorry! but mainly mount an each blade

on Apr 04, 2023 17:12

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